Thursday, July 29, 2010

flashing back to a time before life as we know it

mmm wow check out this album so much pornography on the cover mmmm can't control myself look at those beautiful biceps from that lovely mama bucko and mmm that hair so gorgeous and curly wow nicksy way to go time to just pop this into my computer and let the grooves flow through the night mmm wow that rip sure went fast it must be able to read vinyl shards better than full cds learn something new everyday amirite of course :@

hmm nice acoustic dr. bucko and those vocals mmm its almost as if nicks made sure to warm up before she sang this tune wow harmonies from a bucko? best album ever shame she'll leave me cryin' in the night :'( but seriously this song is so melodic not sure it's the greatest album opener ever but it suffices i mean it's so early in bucko and nicksy's career!!!!!!! anyway nice tune can't wait for next teehee

wow what a easy going tune play that slow acoustic oh wow fast lick there sir oh and again? wow way to impress oh hmm no vocals? make this interesting sir buck or else i shall change tune :@ hmm more of the same *skip*

wow so much acoustic jamblin' on this album what a catchy riff though mmm sing that harmonious and melodious song mr. bucko oh wow way to pick it up a bit and nicks so good mmm don;t worry lindsey adams buckingham i shall give you one of my legs to stand on i do need the other for various activities such as

wow i do always trust my first initial feeling w8 that's redundant don't you think i mean wow if it's the first feeling than it's the initial feeling therefore it totally cancels each other out oh dear i missed half the song wow good thing i'm almost in tears at these marvelous harmonies sing it nicksy through the crystal like a clear water fountain :'( wow i can tell the lyrics come straight from the bottom of their hearts the poor souls bucko i sure do feel sorry for you and your struggles next tune before i die of dehydration

wow a minor tune? who knew it was possible ow8 a major chord i suppose it's only right but oh wow so nice these drums are kind of annoying hey drummer change up the drums or else i'll banish you to the world of random session musicians :@:@:@ ow8 teehee anyway i suppose this tune is okay if only bucko would start to sing hmm doesn't make it better must change tunes or else

wow way to pick up the pace bucko and mr bassist way to keep up with that rockin' super pace i know that bucko enjoys going super fast and definitely likes to ride like the wind to arizona and back and a little bondage sometimes but enough about my fantasies wow shred that guitar riffin' mmm wow bucko way to solo it like eric clapton wow nicksy nice job on those powerful harmonies is this the best song so far? hard to say stop asking me questions

another instrumental? how dare you bucko :@ but wow this one has a nice flavor i would compare it to a burrito wrapped in golden guitar strings which have been played by the archangel gabriel himself wow i know i'm a poet anyway next tune something anything

a tune about winning and now a tune about racing? way to have that need for speed super duo of musical groove hmm nicksy this tune needs a change it's a little too not-that-great for my taste someone do something to save it mmm way to go bucko you know how to satisfy my every need whether it be in the living room or the hospital anyway great another verse if only someone could end this song oh here's the button

hmm what a catchy tune really got some nice country elements shame i hate country bucko if only you would have known :@ hmm what a creative chorus singing the name of a random girl teehee it's alright bucko i still love you and i definitely would ;) i would to the outer regions of neptune's inner atmosphere and back hmm aside from that this song actually does have a bit of groove but not enough :@:@:@:@ maybe if mr. random session drummer would spice things up i wouldn't be complaining teehee fade out? oh dear

hmm nice acoustic guitar if only you would do more acoustic overall on this album so clever and intelligent but wow electric guitar? who knew it existed not i no sirree hmm sing that depressing message of love to us all dr. buck i know i need to hear you preach the good news more often oh my i just got a bit rigid at that chorus i mean wow who knew such amazing groove could be achieved another verse way to sing it nicksy sing it so strong so much emotion so much empathy another verse sorry that is not a banana in my pocket oh boy build that bridge section so hard mmm yeah that's the way i like it so strong and powerful no backing down oh excuse me that's just the spot oh man losing control take me bucko take me in your loving arms and we'll fly away together to montana and live on a ranch in the north country where we can have the best of time every minute of everyday mmm yes yes yes wow nice climax there bucko sorry i'll clean up the mess later as this next verse is an orgasm a second oh boy i just beat the world record my goodness glad that's over brb weeping tears of joy

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

JCS = Jupiter Calling Saturn rofl

o wow hard to believe it's been two weeks since my last update wowowowowowow i apologize so hard it hurts for last week's lack of a review but don't worry this review will be so cool it will blow your brains out rofl but srsly better get ready teehee this is JCS, disc one of the 1970 version ;)

hmm alright nice album art so groovy and definitely hmm some nice guitar effects so minor and wow i can tel i'm going to really like this album teehee hmm no lyrics so far can't wait to hear some singing oh trumpets? a nice alternative :) oh wow so many layers and an orchestral wet dream hmm wow what a tune what's next

hey nice riff some nice guitar work so far i'm impressed oh hmm nice singing judas iscariot, the traitor JESUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUS nice high the building music is great what a tune this album rocks so hard it burn shame it's about such a sad plot why kill jesus judas :'( why set them all on fire jesus :'( oh hmm the piano grooves so hard harder than a rock but not quite as hard as Advanced Geometry teehee oh wow new song?

Groovin' tunes? they never end teehee IAN GILLAN WAT teehee he makes a great jesus with his long flowing hair and his crystal clear highs teehee plans and forecasts wish i had some wow who knew gillan could still hit those highs this late in his career and that guitar work? way to groove dr. guitar ow8 a girl singer? way to ruin the album :@ WOWOWOWOWOW what a high mr. gillan set shivers down my spine to the point of paralyzation oh hmm a change of pace? shame it doesn't groove hard oh judas is back in the spot light sing those notes teehee back to jesus? wow best tune so far :O hope the next one grooves hard

hey, nice ride cymbal work definitely the best use of ride cymbal so far amirite? of course :@ shame a girl is singing believe me i'm not sexist but I hate women :@ close your eyes close your eyes oh hey judas what a great guy with a great body so hot and steamy oh hmm 300 silver pieces!? I could buy a new lava lamp with that much so much emotion judas sure knows how to sing oh back to girl stop singing :@ oh hey thanks gillan what a guy way to beat up judas like the jerk he is w8 is he implying he'll be leaving soon!? NO GILLAN NO oh wow thanks back up singers you always know what to say everything's alright yes oh hmm i get it you can stop now oh um

oh gosh a dark tune why hate on jesus pharisees :'( i guess haters gon hate on the man who will save us from our sins and forgive us for all offenses to the Lord and Saviour jesus christ who died for you and me so that we could get into heaven and live with him for all time in eternity where we will sing groovy tunes for endless times wow i can't wait orite review so um i guess a guy is singing what's new teehee overall some nice grooves shame it's not that great FOOOOOLS hey bub i herd that :@ just for that next tune please

HOOOOOOSANNA wow what a tune definitely structured and totally not over the top ow8 spoke too soon hey pharisee way to complain want some cheese with that wine teehee get it because he;s whining and oh hmm jesus is singing why waste your breath yeah what a man that Jesus totally cool and definitely knows just what to say rocks starting to sing? sounds groovy speaking of grooves next tune

trumpets? what an instrument guitar is slightly better but I suppose we can forgive webber just this one time teehee hmm some groovy stuff going on here could be better but what hmm Christ you know I love you what a tune definitely some wonderful men and women in this choir simon what a guy ow8 he said rape :@ get out of here man that language is not that cool man :@ overall though this tune is pretty rockin' and definitely on the right track keep up the good work dr. of webber

hmm change of pace some nice acoustic jamblin' gamblin' ramblin' bamblin' yamblin' oh poor pilate he sounds like a nice individual hopefully he doesn't do anything drastically lame to change my opinion of him :O

7/4? hmm so original teehee this tune is pretty rockin' hard to believe a rock opera rocks like a granite slab wow these guys sound like some nice business men definitely driving a hard bargain hey this guy has everything better put my price down on this groovin' lava lamp i've needed a new one every since that time in graduate school hmm :O ow8 this is a temple jesus show them what's up :@ MYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY TEMPLE SHO-etc. nice job jesus I can always count on you for some magnificent highs shame your time is almost through :'( it doesn't help that these sick mates won't leave you alone heal yourselfs :@

oh hmm thanks for the help miss lady i can never forgive you but i do like that you helped jesus and this tune is only 31 seconds long? hmm

wow i wish this girl would stop singing although this slow tune is pretty groovin' definitely a needed change of pace overall the drummer really shines on this tune beat that ride and wow some toms? nice job so out of the ordinary why not play a triangle next? :O:O:O hmm i wonder what this woman is talking about why can't she just love jesus :'(

hmm this tune sounds fun and informative can't wait for judas to get damned for all time :) if only these floutists would stop playing so I could hear how he gets damned :@ oh wow super grooves this album is jam packed with jam and grooves totally great and wow that tambourine so low in the mix yet so high in my heart i love you wow this tune is rockin' so hard....SAX SOLO!? getting so rigid not in jeans no No NO it hurts so bad must strip to avoid the pain no the rigid is so big i can't take off my pants why must i suffer so :'( ow8 last tune of the review? rigid gone.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010


hmm putting the album in what a nice album cover oh a fade in rats hmm is this fleetwood mac? hardly sounds like it oh bucko what a voice how i do love you lookin' out for looooooove this tune sure is great shame the keyboards are so strong how stereotypical of the 80s oh hmm love grunts? who knew bucko was so passionate about himself next tune teehee

wow i can tell this album is going to give me a headache if this 80s pop sound keeps going so strong strong as a strongman oh a nicks tune? nice job nicksy hits those highs wow this chorus is great rainbow's end nice place great place to vacation hmm wow nicksy your ability to hit those highs is making me pretty rigid hmm this song is great but i'll skip it anyway teehee

wow some nice keyboard riffin' go mcvie go callin' out my name? oh teehee i don't feel the same way but i do love you anyway teehee hmm oh ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh wow how solemn and groovy nice tune mcvie shame that bass is so lame do something groovy Mr. McVie!! shame he can't RIP groovy man

well this is interesting sounds so azn btw im not racist against azn for shame sing it bucko caroliiiii-i-i-i-ne nice tune although it seems to be missing something oh right groovy bass :@ atleast those drums are nice she's so stagey? wow way to be great mr. bucko hmm well this song is getting old atleast the tunes are catchy but all of them drag on too long hmm hope the next one is great mmmm yeah

wowowow nice intro least 80s sounding tune yet :O:O:O and that spanish sounding guitar mmmmm btw still not racist teehee taaaaaaaaangooooooooooooo-etc. wow bucko way to write a good tune but 3 bucko tunes so far? a little heavy on the manly side teehee oh where did it all go *turn up* hmm some nice humming and ohhhing GAHSOLOUDYETSOORGASMIC hmm what a solo listen to that passion and power wow way to go bucko way to write some super great tunes don't want them to end or else

wow way to ruin the groovy mood miss mcvie :@ so soft and so pop ow8 nothing new here teehee wow does this song ever get better? hmm guess not can't take it anymore *skip*

i take back any previous statements i made about miss mcvie with this super groovin' tune listen to those backing vocals tell me lies :'( what a depressing song thinking about anyone lying to miss mcvie she doesn't deserve to be told lies :'( in any case i would tell her lies all night long ;) teehee the harmonies in this song are so great hmm i just realized that nicksy hasn't had a tune since track 2 hmm wonder when she comes back hopefully soon :O

still no nicks :'( although this tune is pretty catchy wow so many echo tracks way to abuse the recording studio bucko teehee i am what i am a groovy man is how the tune should go teehee oh wow check out that flamenco solo way to bring in the spanish influences again teehee another verse? wow hmm another chorus what a great tune way to be solid bucko oh hmm a scat section? way to go and more soloing hooray

...........nicksy. why break my heart this way by writing a super lame tune :'( this is quite possibly the worst chord progression this is a nightmare right teehee o huh huh get it i misquoted a lyric and it made it so funi teehee hmm i don't have a clue what this song is about let's just pretend it never happened teehee

wow listen to that distortion so heavy and so power grrrr someone's angry hope it's bucko :O oh mcvie teehee well a man can dream teehee what a chorus sing it strong miss mcvie OH WOW listen to those mellow super lows wow this song rocks another verse hmm what a rare commodity teehee choruses fun things oh hmm wow what a rockin' solo bucko way to make this album so great i love you so much give it to me so hard make me beg for mercy mmmm yeah feels so good DON'T STOP oh wrong album teehee

Nicksy, way to restore my faith in you teehee so pretty yet so power this tune makes me cry tears of sadness that nicksy had to suffer so much why make nicksy so sad :'( listen to those backing instruments hmm i suppose i should mention mr. fleetwood how sturdy that man is so good and totally not lame WOWOWOWOW listen to that bucko verse oh gosh i went for tears of sadness to tears of intense joy well time for the last track hope it's the best song ever :O

oh um could the band be any more corny this song sounds like a song for preschoolers you you you you you and I should stop listening to this song why not end with the last tune oh gosh hard to believe a song bucko sings is awful ow8 Not That Funny :@ wow way to ruin my mood and give me a headache time to delete this song from my library and forget it existed teehee but srsly murder me

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

o itz funi cuz the hed is a rage against

so starting up the album some nice building stuff going on hmm wow what a scream bass riffs? holy holly hmm pretty great stuff here nice lyrics cars are great for transportation and girls are great for procreation hmm look a solo by who else but mr jon lord what a man WOW shred those keys alright break down another verse? who knew guitar solo bam wow thank you blackmore you are definitely a man no vagina in your pants today mmm yes indeed next tune

hmm what a let down could it be any slower :'( paice your drums bore me :@ lrn2excite wow what a lack of fun and grooves wish it grooved shame it doesn't well let's see what else this album has to offer hope it's great stuff indeed hehe

wow way to go paice nice drums hmm strange riff hmm nice geetar wow this track just doesn't seem very appealing nice harmonies though way to layer mr. gillan oh a solo pretty boring though let lord in on the action :@ oh lord's turn? way to hold back and not melt my face oh no anything but no it can't be please anything but that wow glover wow way to ruin a perfectly could-be-better song

hey nice grooves glover way to make it up and paice? wow you definitely lern'd to excite ;) hmm oh a new riff could be better gillan sounding nice indeed more harmonies? nice job i neeeeeveeeeeeer felt so baaaaaaaaaaaaaaad hmm it's okay i'd still do you teehee hope this song picks up oh it doesn't next track pl0x

hmm this song sounds pretty groovy I feel like i should know but at the same time it feels kind of foreign teehee but srsly that is some nice groove wow nice bass this song can't get any better hmm i don't know the verses feel a little empty almost like they're putting too much emphasis on the vocals ow8 gillan's telling a story what a nice story burned the place to the ground :'( so sad gillan i sympathize for you oh hey a solo wow nice job blackmore more singing? hmm well that sure was great

oh blackmore? get out
grr go back to the soloing :@ harmonica? i'm okay with this oh hmm more singing oh wow just take all the glory blackmore :@ more jon lord more jon lord my desires = unfufilled :(

wow nice riff hey wow this song rocks sing it gillan COME ON COME ON COME ON wow gillan, what a performer hey another verse random super highs? nice job gillan way to satisfy my every hunger oh look another blackmore solo oh um is that it hmm drums what an imaginitive riff glover way to definitely expand your horizons and definitely not be super lame teehee but srsly oh look another verse fading out on the final chorus amazing giving me chills way to rock my fellows I definitely forward to your

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

tusk? what an album

alright, so we're starting this album up oh boy hope it starts strong hmm wait what is this sounds a little too mellow for an album opener hmm mcvie way to ruin this album it's hardly worth listening to the rest grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr ow8 this is pretty catchy way to mcvie teehee alright that songs over hope the next one is super good

hmm, this song sounds pretty strange hmm wow i'm speechless hardly know how to say my thoughts and feelings it's almost as if someone put a guitar in a blender and set fire to the remnants i mean that in a good way though teehee anyway yeah strange stuff hope this song ends soon teehee o good

wow this album is kind of disappointing so far wow mcvie way to go the power pop route teehee hmm is it just me or does the guitar sound really strange must be just me why is bucko so high up in the mix this is a mcvie tune gaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah teehee seriously he saved the song

hmm this album hardly seems worth the money at this point why didn't I spend my money on a better album like Boston's Debut *sob* or Stray Cats Greatest Hits *sob* saaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaave me a place teehee i would do anything for you bucko but seriously wow listen to that really low voice way to go guy

a good tune? wow didn't know it was possible teehee way to go miss nicks saving the album one groovin' tune at a time listen to that beautiful voice and the chords mmmmmm so delicious i would eat that progression right up with a bit of marinara sauce oh boy hmm well it sure is pretty but it doesn't change much but it's so melodic mmmm best on the album so far? sure is

Bucko :'( this is quite possibly the worst song ever recorded :'( ow8 Kashmir :'( wow that guitar sure is annoying and the snare drums grrrrr can't sit through the whole thing *skip*

another nicks tune? so pretty way to play guitar good for once mr. bucko teehee oh hmm nicks' voice is a little airy this time sing strong super darling!!! wow listen to those harmonies wow miss nicks way to be phenomenal wow this song makes me sad yet happy at the same time way to evoke emotions harder than

hey, way to go bucko finally a song I can enjoy by him teehee listen to those lovely vocal timbres i sure do love you bucko wait did he just say sexy :@ oh wait "just exactly" way to enunciate sir buck teehee listen to those marimbas so great way to go bucko nice job indeed

and just like that, bucko pierces an arrow through my already delicate heart wow way to be corny and totally not cool bucko no tainting an album with musical poison isn't very funny at all :@:@:@:@

listen to those grooves way to go team hmm a nicks tune? that grooves hard? hmm another minor song from nicks hope it goes well nice harmonies team fmac miss nicks, sounding good on those vocals and the backing instruments off the charts wow what a chorus riff and the harmonies omg i came teehee hmm another verse good job oh wow hmm nice solo bridge nice job hmm getting rigid again BUCKO WHAT A SOLO WOWOWOWOWOWOWOWOWOWOW way to not screw up ;)

hmm, corny pop tune? must be a mcvie song ow8 Nicks? nooooooooooo way to ruin your reputation miss anyway wow hope this tune ends soon ow8 3 more minutes to go *sob* hey nice harmonies on that chorus mr. bucko hmm no credit to mr. fleetwood? nice job on those drums way to have a solid performance on the album as a whole except for that lame tune so lame I can't remember it teehee o the song is over? good riddance teehee

some acoustic jamble o nice riffin' shame that fuzzy distortion on the guitar is so awful hey backing banjoes? way to go bucko hmm not too shabby for a bucko tune way to go oh nice notes YEAH YEAH YEAH OHHHH OHHH OHHH YEAH nice chorus lyrics teehee so original so lovely so passionate

hmm so pretty this is a nice tune nice keyboards and that ride cymbal? mr. fleetwood keep it up ;) wow strange chords here ooooh that is some lovely vocals mcvie and the harmonies? wow so groovy and wow hmm i could listen to this on endless loop sha la la sha la la sha la la la-ah-ooooh wow i'm in a trance teehee greatest tune so far? hard to say i shall have to weigh the options to see if it indeed falls into the rightful criteria for

hmm, nice slight fade in another mcvie tune? so beautiful not nearly as beautiful as the previous tune though wow what a previous tune o wrong tune teehee you'll never make me, you'll never make me cryyyyyyyy mcvie you're making me cry tears of sadness and joy at the same time :'( such a sad tune how ironic teehee next tune pl0x

hey it's not that funny again ow8 no it's not teehee sounds like it though therefore it must be just as awful :@ hmm actually not that bad not that great either so so mediocre nice harmonies though hmm enough of this *skip*

more mcvie pretty poppy looks like we're back to classic mcvie territory here hope it's not nicksy in disquise again teehee o gd itz not teehee honey hooooney hoooney so sweet pun totally intended hehe wow nice harmonies wow this album sure has picked up since the first half way to make the best of a bad situtation Team Fmac alright way to play it safe mcvie nice tune overall wonder what's next hope it;s goooooooooooooooooooooooooood

sounds quite beautiful so far oh look at the title Beautiful Child wow so much beauty hard to not get rigid teehee but seriously so sad and beautiful beautiful so much beautiful child and so sad beautiful beautifulgasm teeheeful beauteehee beaurofl and beautiful so much beaut i had to stayful beautiful teehee okay enough of beautiful

wow a slower bucko tune? who knew it was possible hey nice harmonies i waaaaaaaalk a thiiiin liiiine way to go bucko nice tune srsly though nothing special here move along nothing to see teehee Bucko, who knew, after so many lame tunes you could pull this amazing chunk of groove out of that brain of yours. Mr. Wood, looking nice on those drums and bucko nice guitar
wow there is so much going on aiy-eeeeeeeeee so great what a tune so much layering and wow oh gosh i just came better control myself better teehee oh wow nice voices DRUM SOLO AAAAAH so much pleasure teehee oh wow solos real savage like teehee oh gosh so great is that a marching band? oops i came again teehee TUSK! wow so much oh gosh i'm getting dizzy from the grooves wow way to give the album a good name super tune amazing simply amazing and wowowow just keeps going wow

Miss Mcvie, I shall never forget.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

First Blog? wowowowowowowowow

For my first blog, I have chosen to review an album for you super fellows. This is Boston's Debut wowowowowow

alright starting the album up hmm no sound so far oh dear fading into the first song? i may as well turn this off right now teehee but srsly great music so far oh nice high note wow riffs? great times hey this is catchy second verse wow better than the first? hard to say chorus again mmmmmmmmmmm yeah wow a solo nice job sounds pretty easy why not shred mr. scholz why oh a quiet third verse oh what a high note aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah yeah i love this song okay next one

oh hmm some nice acoustic work so far way to go mr. guitarist hmm wow that's pretty heavy and minor grr so dark oh wow happy verse wow i'm so happy right now what a pleasant tone of voice mr. singer oh hmm pretty nice harmonies during the chorus pretty average besides that hmm next verse not much variety hmm kind of looking forward to the end of this song hmm pretty lame solo here we go time to finish the song big oh yeah yeaaaaaaaaaah oh not that big rats next song

oh hmm pretty quiet so far GAH powerchord hmm pretty dark so far oh nice bass grooves more powerchords hmm getting old jazz it up boston grrrrr oh more powerchords so original teehee oh quiet again hmm better turn it OH YEAH rock that solo mr. boston mmm yeah wow what a happy tune mmm joy in my soul right now hmm nice clapping I sure do love clapping oh second verse hmm pretty great as good as the first? impossible to tell YEAH SOLO YEAH oh wow what an outro best on the album so far? maybe

wow what an intro trilling? sweet hmm what a story teller this band is oh wow said their band name in the song? teehee comedic genius nice chorus HIP CRAZY ANTICIPATIN' wow second verse more story hmm let's get on with it oh yeah solo way to get it on third verse YEAH SUPERHIGHS YEAH wow this rocks nice tune boston outro chords? wow

Wow this is riff-a-riffic super grooves to the max nice voice mr. singer wow this is so groovy could listen to this one on endless loop oh wow second verse and choruses? nice job organ? WOWOWOWOWOWOWOW shred those keys mr. organist this is great what jam guitars now? grr so dark and minor oh singing again wow super highs now? why is this tune so great oh it's over? *sob* best tune so far to the max oh yeah way to groove on

wow speaking of crying this tune is so beautiful and lovely so acoustic *sob* WOW ORGAN SOLO WOW OUTRO SOLO WOWOWOWOWOWOWOW don't want to distract from the beautiful but wow guitar solo harmonies? why is this album so great

hmm don't hear anything turning it up oh here we go some nice oohing and ahhing so soothing great so far GAH SO LOUD GAH oh hey this pain is pretty nice to listen to hmm pretty great i mean nothing too special but great nice chorus too wow pretty average song here oh hey pretty good solo oh wow nice singing here wow more super highs? I GOT TA GOT TA HAVE YOU wow nice job so much power pretty decent song nice job

Last song on the album here we go pretty mellow nice singing hmm pretty boring hmm keeps going let's change it up a bit here mr. boston oh gosh still no changes wow does this song never end GAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH oh w8 speed up? super grooves? WTF this song is great now what happened to the first 3 minutes wow this is awesome noooooo fade out nooooo

wow what an album thanks for reading teehee come back again super brothers