Thursday, July 29, 2010

flashing back to a time before life as we know it

mmm wow check out this album so much pornography on the cover mmmm can't control myself look at those beautiful biceps from that lovely mama bucko and mmm that hair so gorgeous and curly wow nicksy way to go time to just pop this into my computer and let the grooves flow through the night mmm wow that rip sure went fast it must be able to read vinyl shards better than full cds learn something new everyday amirite of course :@

hmm nice acoustic dr. bucko and those vocals mmm its almost as if nicks made sure to warm up before she sang this tune wow harmonies from a bucko? best album ever shame she'll leave me cryin' in the night :'( but seriously this song is so melodic not sure it's the greatest album opener ever but it suffices i mean it's so early in bucko and nicksy's career!!!!!!! anyway nice tune can't wait for next teehee

wow what a easy going tune play that slow acoustic oh wow fast lick there sir oh and again? wow way to impress oh hmm no vocals? make this interesting sir buck or else i shall change tune :@ hmm more of the same *skip*

wow so much acoustic jamblin' on this album what a catchy riff though mmm sing that harmonious and melodious song mr. bucko oh wow way to pick it up a bit and nicks so good mmm don;t worry lindsey adams buckingham i shall give you one of my legs to stand on i do need the other for various activities such as

wow i do always trust my first initial feeling w8 that's redundant don't you think i mean wow if it's the first feeling than it's the initial feeling therefore it totally cancels each other out oh dear i missed half the song wow good thing i'm almost in tears at these marvelous harmonies sing it nicksy through the crystal like a clear water fountain :'( wow i can tell the lyrics come straight from the bottom of their hearts the poor souls bucko i sure do feel sorry for you and your struggles next tune before i die of dehydration

wow a minor tune? who knew it was possible ow8 a major chord i suppose it's only right but oh wow so nice these drums are kind of annoying hey drummer change up the drums or else i'll banish you to the world of random session musicians :@:@:@ ow8 teehee anyway i suppose this tune is okay if only bucko would start to sing hmm doesn't make it better must change tunes or else

wow way to pick up the pace bucko and mr bassist way to keep up with that rockin' super pace i know that bucko enjoys going super fast and definitely likes to ride like the wind to arizona and back and a little bondage sometimes but enough about my fantasies wow shred that guitar riffin' mmm wow bucko way to solo it like eric clapton wow nicksy nice job on those powerful harmonies is this the best song so far? hard to say stop asking me questions

another instrumental? how dare you bucko :@ but wow this one has a nice flavor i would compare it to a burrito wrapped in golden guitar strings which have been played by the archangel gabriel himself wow i know i'm a poet anyway next tune something anything

a tune about winning and now a tune about racing? way to have that need for speed super duo of musical groove hmm nicksy this tune needs a change it's a little too not-that-great for my taste someone do something to save it mmm way to go bucko you know how to satisfy my every need whether it be in the living room or the hospital anyway great another verse if only someone could end this song oh here's the button

hmm what a catchy tune really got some nice country elements shame i hate country bucko if only you would have known :@ hmm what a creative chorus singing the name of a random girl teehee it's alright bucko i still love you and i definitely would ;) i would to the outer regions of neptune's inner atmosphere and back hmm aside from that this song actually does have a bit of groove but not enough :@:@:@:@ maybe if mr. random session drummer would spice things up i wouldn't be complaining teehee fade out? oh dear

hmm nice acoustic guitar if only you would do more acoustic overall on this album so clever and intelligent but wow electric guitar? who knew it existed not i no sirree hmm sing that depressing message of love to us all dr. buck i know i need to hear you preach the good news more often oh my i just got a bit rigid at that chorus i mean wow who knew such amazing groove could be achieved another verse way to sing it nicksy sing it so strong so much emotion so much empathy another verse sorry that is not a banana in my pocket oh boy build that bridge section so hard mmm yeah that's the way i like it so strong and powerful no backing down oh excuse me that's just the spot oh man losing control take me bucko take me in your loving arms and we'll fly away together to montana and live on a ranch in the north country where we can have the best of time every minute of everyday mmm yes yes yes wow nice climax there bucko sorry i'll clean up the mess later as this next verse is an orgasm a second oh boy i just beat the world record my goodness glad that's over brb weeping tears of joy

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