Tuesday, March 16, 2010

JCS = Jupiter Calling Saturn rofl

o wow hard to believe it's been two weeks since my last update wowowowowowow i apologize so hard it hurts for last week's lack of a review but don't worry this review will be so cool it will blow your brains out rofl but srsly better get ready teehee this is JCS, disc one of the 1970 version ;)

hmm alright nice album art so groovy and definitely hmm some nice guitar effects so minor and wow i can tel i'm going to really like this album teehee hmm no lyrics so far can't wait to hear some singing oh trumpets? a nice alternative :) oh wow so many layers and an orchestral wet dream hmm wow what a tune what's next

hey nice riff some nice guitar work so far i'm impressed oh hmm nice singing judas iscariot, the traitor JESUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUS nice high the building music is great what a tune this album rocks so hard it burn shame it's about such a sad plot why kill jesus judas :'( why set them all on fire jesus :'( oh hmm the piano grooves so hard harder than a rock but not quite as hard as Advanced Geometry teehee oh wow new song?

Groovin' tunes? they never end teehee IAN GILLAN WAT teehee he makes a great jesus with his long flowing hair and his crystal clear highs teehee plans and forecasts wish i had some wow who knew gillan could still hit those highs this late in his career and that guitar work? way to groove dr. guitar ow8 a girl singer? way to ruin the album :@ WOWOWOWOWOW what a high mr. gillan set shivers down my spine to the point of paralyzation oh hmm a change of pace? shame it doesn't groove hard oh judas is back in the spot light sing those notes teehee back to jesus? wow best tune so far :O hope the next one grooves hard

hey, nice ride cymbal work definitely the best use of ride cymbal so far amirite? of course :@ shame a girl is singing believe me i'm not sexist but I hate women :@ close your eyes close your eyes oh hey judas what a great guy with a great body so hot and steamy oh hmm 300 silver pieces!? I could buy a new lava lamp with that much so much emotion judas sure knows how to sing oh back to girl stop singing :@ oh hey thanks gillan what a guy way to beat up judas like the jerk he is w8 is he implying he'll be leaving soon!? NO GILLAN NO oh wow thanks back up singers you always know what to say everything's alright yes oh hmm i get it you can stop now oh um

oh gosh a dark tune why hate on jesus pharisees :'( i guess haters gon hate on the man who will save us from our sins and forgive us for all offenses to the Lord and Saviour jesus christ who died for you and me so that we could get into heaven and live with him for all time in eternity where we will sing groovy tunes for endless times wow i can't wait orite review so um i guess a guy is singing what's new teehee overall some nice grooves shame it's not that great FOOOOOLS hey bub i herd that :@ just for that next tune please

HOOOOOOSANNA wow what a tune definitely structured and totally not over the top ow8 spoke too soon hey pharisee way to complain want some cheese with that wine teehee get it because he;s whining and oh hmm jesus is singing why waste your breath yeah what a man that Jesus totally cool and definitely knows just what to say rocks starting to sing? sounds groovy speaking of grooves next tune

trumpets? what an instrument guitar is slightly better but I suppose we can forgive webber just this one time teehee hmm some groovy stuff going on here could be better but what hmm Christ you know I love you what a tune definitely some wonderful men and women in this choir simon what a guy ow8 he said rape :@ get out of here man that language is not that cool man :@ overall though this tune is pretty rockin' and definitely on the right track keep up the good work dr. of webber

hmm change of pace some nice acoustic jamblin' gamblin' ramblin' bamblin' yamblin' oh poor pilate he sounds like a nice individual hopefully he doesn't do anything drastically lame to change my opinion of him :O

7/4? hmm so original teehee this tune is pretty rockin' hard to believe a rock opera rocks like a granite slab wow these guys sound like some nice business men definitely driving a hard bargain hey this guy has everything better put my price down on this groovin' lava lamp i've needed a new one every since that time in graduate school hmm :O ow8 this is a temple jesus show them what's up :@ MYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY TEMPLE SHO-etc. nice job jesus I can always count on you for some magnificent highs shame your time is almost through :'( it doesn't help that these sick mates won't leave you alone heal yourselfs :@

oh hmm thanks for the help miss lady i can never forgive you but i do like that you helped jesus and this tune is only 31 seconds long? hmm

wow i wish this girl would stop singing although this slow tune is pretty groovin' definitely a needed change of pace overall the drummer really shines on this tune beat that ride and wow some toms? nice job so out of the ordinary why not play a triangle next? :O:O:O hmm i wonder what this woman is talking about why can't she just love jesus :'(

hmm this tune sounds fun and informative can't wait for judas to get damned for all time :) if only these floutists would stop playing so I could hear how he gets damned :@ oh wow super grooves this album is jam packed with jam and grooves totally great and wow that tambourine so low in the mix yet so high in my heart i love you wow this tune is rockin' so hard....SAX SOLO!? getting so rigid not in jeans no No NO it hurts so bad must strip to avoid the pain no the rigid is so big i can't take off my pants why must i suffer so :'( ow8 last tune of the review? rigid gone.

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