Tuesday, March 2, 2010


hmm putting the album in what a nice album cover oh a fade in rats hmm is this fleetwood mac? hardly sounds like it oh bucko what a voice how i do love you lookin' out for looooooove this tune sure is great shame the keyboards are so strong how stereotypical of the 80s oh hmm love grunts? who knew bucko was so passionate about himself next tune teehee

wow i can tell this album is going to give me a headache if this 80s pop sound keeps going so strong strong as a strongman oh a nicks tune? nice job nicksy hits those highs wow this chorus is great rainbow's end nice place great place to vacation hmm wow nicksy your ability to hit those highs is making me pretty rigid hmm this song is great but i'll skip it anyway teehee

wow some nice keyboard riffin' go mcvie go callin' out my name? oh teehee i don't feel the same way but i do love you anyway teehee hmm oh ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh wow how solemn and groovy nice tune mcvie shame that bass is so lame do something groovy Mr. McVie!! shame he can't RIP groovy man

well this is interesting sounds so azn btw im not racist against azn for shame sing it bucko caroliiiii-i-i-i-ne nice tune although it seems to be missing something oh right groovy bass :@ atleast those drums are nice she's so stagey? wow way to be great mr. bucko hmm well this song is getting old atleast the tunes are catchy but all of them drag on too long hmm hope the next one is great mmmm yeah

wowowow nice intro least 80s sounding tune yet :O:O:O and that spanish sounding guitar mmmmm btw still not racist teehee taaaaaaaaangooooooooooooo-etc. wow bucko way to write a good tune but 3 bucko tunes so far? a little heavy on the manly side teehee oh where did it all go *turn up* hmm some nice humming and ohhhing GAHSOLOUDYETSOORGASMIC hmm what a solo listen to that passion and power wow way to go bucko way to write some super great tunes don't want them to end or else

wow way to ruin the groovy mood miss mcvie :@ so soft and so pop ow8 nothing new here teehee wow does this song ever get better? hmm guess not can't take it anymore *skip*

i take back any previous statements i made about miss mcvie with this super groovin' tune listen to those backing vocals tell me lies :'( what a depressing song thinking about anyone lying to miss mcvie she doesn't deserve to be told lies :'( in any case i would tell her lies all night long ;) teehee the harmonies in this song are so great hmm i just realized that nicksy hasn't had a tune since track 2 hmm wonder when she comes back hopefully soon :O

still no nicks :'( although this tune is pretty catchy wow so many echo tracks way to abuse the recording studio bucko teehee i am what i am a groovy man is how the tune should go teehee oh wow check out that flamenco solo way to bring in the spanish influences again teehee another verse? wow hmm another chorus what a great tune way to be solid bucko oh hmm a scat section? way to go and more soloing hooray

...........nicksy. why break my heart this way by writing a super lame tune :'( this is quite possibly the worst chord progression this is a nightmare right teehee o huh huh get it i misquoted a lyric and it made it so funi teehee hmm i don't have a clue what this song is about let's just pretend it never happened teehee

wow listen to that distortion so heavy and so power grrrr someone's angry hope it's bucko :O oh mcvie teehee well a man can dream teehee what a chorus sing it strong miss mcvie OH WOW listen to those mellow super lows wow this song rocks another verse hmm what a rare commodity teehee choruses fun things oh hmm wow what a rockin' solo bucko way to make this album so great i love you so much give it to me so hard make me beg for mercy mmmm yeah feels so good DON'T STOP oh wrong album teehee

Nicksy, way to restore my faith in you teehee so pretty yet so power this tune makes me cry tears of sadness that nicksy had to suffer so much why make nicksy so sad :'( listen to those backing instruments hmm i suppose i should mention mr. fleetwood how sturdy that man is so good and totally not lame WOWOWOWOW listen to that bucko verse oh gosh i went for tears of sadness to tears of intense joy well time for the last track hope it's the best song ever :O

oh um could the band be any more corny this song sounds like a song for preschoolers you you you you you and I should stop listening to this song why not end with the last tune oh gosh hard to believe a song bucko sings is awful ow8 Not That Funny :@ wow way to ruin my mood and give me a headache time to delete this song from my library and forget it existed teehee but srsly murder me

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