Tuesday, February 9, 2010

First Blog? wowowowowowowowow

For my first blog, I have chosen to review an album for you super fellows. This is Boston's Debut wowowowowow

alright starting the album up hmm no sound so far oh dear fading into the first song? i may as well turn this off right now teehee but srsly great music so far oh nice high note wow riffs? great times hey this is catchy second verse wow better than the first? hard to say chorus again mmmmmmmmmmm yeah wow a solo nice job sounds pretty easy why not shred mr. scholz why oh a quiet third verse oh what a high note aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah yeah i love this song okay next one

oh hmm some nice acoustic work so far way to go mr. guitarist hmm wow that's pretty heavy and minor grr so dark oh wow happy verse wow i'm so happy right now what a pleasant tone of voice mr. singer oh hmm pretty nice harmonies during the chorus pretty average besides that hmm next verse not much variety hmm kind of looking forward to the end of this song hmm pretty lame solo here we go time to finish the song big oh yeah yeaaaaaaaaaah oh not that big rats next song

oh hmm pretty quiet so far GAH powerchord hmm pretty dark so far oh nice bass grooves more powerchords hmm getting old jazz it up boston grrrrr oh more powerchords so original teehee oh quiet again hmm better turn it OH YEAH rock that solo mr. boston mmm yeah wow what a happy tune mmm joy in my soul right now hmm nice clapping I sure do love clapping oh second verse hmm pretty great as good as the first? impossible to tell YEAH SOLO YEAH oh wow what an outro best on the album so far? maybe

wow what an intro trilling? sweet hmm what a story teller this band is oh wow said their band name in the song? teehee comedic genius nice chorus HIP CRAZY ANTICIPATIN' wow second verse more story hmm let's get on with it oh yeah solo way to get it on third verse YEAH SUPERHIGHS YEAH wow this rocks nice tune boston outro chords? wow

Wow this is riff-a-riffic super grooves to the max nice voice mr. singer wow this is so groovy could listen to this one on endless loop oh wow second verse and choruses? nice job organ? WOWOWOWOWOWOWOW shred those keys mr. organist this is great what jam guitars now? grr so dark and minor oh singing again wow super highs now? why is this tune so great oh it's over? *sob* best tune so far to the max oh yeah way to groove on

wow speaking of crying this tune is so beautiful and lovely so acoustic *sob* WOW ORGAN SOLO WOW OUTRO SOLO WOWOWOWOWOWOWOW don't want to distract from the beautiful but wow guitar solo harmonies? why is this album so great

hmm don't hear anything turning it up oh here we go some nice oohing and ahhing so soothing great so far GAH SO LOUD GAH oh hey this pain is pretty nice to listen to hmm pretty great i mean nothing too special but great nice chorus too wow pretty average song here oh hey pretty good solo oh wow nice singing here wow more super highs? I GOT TA GOT TA HAVE YOU wow nice job so much power pretty decent song nice job

Last song on the album here we go pretty mellow nice singing hmm pretty boring hmm keeps going let's change it up a bit here mr. boston oh gosh still no changes wow does this song never end GAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH oh w8 speed up? super grooves? WTF this song is great now what happened to the first 3 minutes wow this is awesome noooooo fade out nooooo

wow what an album thanks for reading teehee come back again super brothers

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